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Andre Saidenberg

Andre Saidenberg

Confiscated Vinaceous amazons released

Jan 17, 2011

Finally some great news: Confiscated individuals of the endangered Vinaceous Amazon (Amazona vinacea) were released in a national park in southern Brazil. This work carried out by a small NGO that can accomplish big feats - R3 Animal - represents something extremely...

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Andre Saidenberg

Amazons and plans

Dec 29, 2010

It’s an interesting reflection thinking about how many plans we have in Brazil - “Brasilia Sive Terra Papagalorum - the original Latin name which means - Brazil: land of parrots - and getting really excited about this: helping confiscated parrots, conserving species, trying to do our best to save...

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Andre Saidenberg

WPT help to confiscated Amazons

Oct 03, 2010

While you are probably aware of the several confiscations happening in Congo, Indonesia and other parts of the world and that thanks to the timely help of World Parrot Trust and several dedicated partners and individuals these birds have their second chance of survival; in Brazil it is no different...

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Andre Saidenberg

Releases results

Mar 24, 2010

Sorry for the delay. Now back to the big (and ugly city) of Sao Paulo it’s time to remember the moments of the latest release carried out by the NGOBichos da Mata. Pictures are able to tell much more than any words. Lots of cover from the local media (TV and magazines) as you can see in the...

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