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Latest news on released macaws and amazons

Andre Saidenberg | Dec 21, 2009


If you have checked the video on the released Blue-fronted amazons and Blue and gold macaws that were carried out on October it also makes you wonder how these birds are doing right now. And according to Bichos da Mata report the answer is that although it is common for released parrots to disperse among a vast area 20 blue fronted could still be seen around the property, all of them in great health!

One individual (a female) was a cause of concern before the release because probably due the stress of the many hours on a bumpy road trip, she started to fight with other parrots in the enclosure and had to be separated and put into an individual flight cage. This bird on the day of release, not only readily flew but also joined a wild flock of Blue-fronted and found a mate!

The blue and golds have dispersed and were seen on another farms of the region (all of them dedicated to ecotourism) mainly because flocks of wild Hyacinth macaws came to feed on the supplemental food left around the flight cages and didn’t like the blue and gold competing for easily accessible food!

A new and bigger release is planned on March, visitors are welcomed to follow another amazing and touching event.