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Peter Cowen

Peter Cowen

Perils of jungle life!

Jul 19, 2008

After staying over four weeks in the jungle you start to become accustomed to harmful things that are lurking in the shadows, in your bed and on the diner plate. It seems to be the most docile looking creatures that pack the greatest sting, especially the caterpillars. Although soft and cuddly keep...

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Peter Cowen

The art of geophagy

Jul 18, 2008

After much trail walking and parrot searching I decided to take a morning off and visit the local clay lick to witness some geophagy (the act of eating clay) in action. After a short boat journey and a 45 minute walk I eventually arrived to the raucous chorus of over a hundred Mealy Parrots. A...

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Peter Cowen

Things are underway

Jul 05, 2008

Things are starting to take shape now as the days roll by and my bank of data is slowly growing. The early morning starts and the long treks are now the norm. The balsas are now flowering creating foraging events (feeding events) for me to record. Birds enjoy the flower buds and the nectarines!

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Peter Cowen

The creation of a transect and the case of a wasp nest!

Jun 23, 2008

After endless early morning foraging walks through primary forest, I finally have started to gather some information on which birds are feeding and on what! Each transect is at least 2km so most round trips are over 4km! My feet have never had so much work to do in their short lives but they are...

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