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Red-collared Lorikeet

 (Trichoglossus rubritorquis)
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Red-collared Lorikeets
© Graham Winterflood [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Academic Research

Related publications: Trichoglossus rubritorquis

Species Profile

Genus: Trichoglossus | Species: rubritorquis


26 cm (10in)


103–140g (3.5-5.0 oz)

Subspecies including nominate:


Colour Adult:

Both adults violet/blue head with lilac/blue streaks on face; throat and side of nape blackish; collar orange/red; yellow/orange breast without barring; dark green abdomen; green/yellow thighs to undertail coverts; green upperparts and tail; orange underwing coverts; yellow, wide band under the wing. Bill orange/red. Eye dark orange.

Colour Juvenile:

As in adults.


Repeated notes, sharp, rolling while in flight.  Shrill chattering while feeding. Soft notes at rest.

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Red-collared Lorikeets
© Graham Winterflood [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Academic Research

Related publications: Trichoglossus rubritorquis

Species Care

Captive Status:

Rare outside of Australia.


20 yrs in the wild, 15-25 yrs in captivity.


Enclosure with drain in floor, or suspended cage over tiled or concrete floor.


Nectar - a commercial type specially formulated for small species or a mix of baby cereal (lactose-free) and honey, malt extract or molasses, mixed with filtered water, made fresh once or twice daily, making up at least 40 percent of the diet; vegetables and fruit especially apple, pear, orange, cactus fruits and bananas, and one or more daily of: carrot, fresh corn, green leaves; plus dried figs soaked in water for a few hours, spray millet and a small amount of soaked or sprouted sunflower seed and small amount of canary seed.


Loves bathing, hanging toys, puzzle/foraging toys, foot toys, ladders, swings, socializing; noisy toys (bells, squeakers), bird safe chewables (vegetable tanned leather, safe woods).

Nest Box Size:

L-shaped box, 51cm x 36cm (20 x 14 in).

Clutch Size:

2 to 3

Incubation Time:

23-25 days

Fledging Age:

8-9 weeks

Hatch Weight:

5g (0.2 oz)

Peak Weight:

Not recorded.

Weaning Weight:

Not recorded.

Specialist Club:

The Lory Link

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Red-collared Lorikeets
© Graham Winterflood [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Academic Research

Related publications: Trichoglossus rubritorquis

Species Wild Status

World Population:

Unknown, decreasing.

IUCN Red List Status:

Least Concern

CITES Listing:

Appendix II

Threat Summary:

Not globally threatened. One of the more common parrots in its range.


Northern Australia.


Most common in lowlands but found up to 2400m (7872 ft). Wide variety of areas including settlements, forest, coconut plantations, savanna, Eucalyptus stands and mangroves.

Wild Diet:

Feeds mainly on nectar, fruit and flowers of Eucalyptus bleeseri, E. miniata, E. polycarpa, E. tetrodonta, Melaleuca viridiflora and Grevillea pteridifolia; in addition, Pandanus spiralis, Bombax ceiba, Terminalia grandiflora, Planchonia careya, Amyema sp., Eucalyptus clavigera, E. confertiflora, E. latifolia, E. miniata, E. porrecta, Melaleuca symphyocarpa and Xanthostemon paradoxus. Also takes insects.

Ecology and Behaviour:

Found in mixed flocks with other parrots; in small noisy groups. Nomadic, as they are dependent on flowering trees. Roosts communally in groups of hundreds of birds. Will also roost and nest on the ground on some of the predator-free islands. Displays frequently.

Clutch and Egg Size:

2 to 3 ovate eggs, 27.0 x 22.5mm (1 x 0.9 in).

Breeding Season:

Breeding recorded most months in N Australia.

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Red-collared Lorikeets
© Graham Winterflood [CC BY-SA 2.0] via Wikimedia Commons

Academic Research

Related publications: Trichoglossus rubritorquis

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