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Toa Kyle

Toa Kyle

Nest 20 predated

Nov 23, 2006

We’ve lost nest 20 to predation.  I mentioned before that when a chick is over 300g its predation risk is lowered.  Nest 20 has proved to be an exception.  One of our crew went to check on this nest the other morning to find a distressed nesting pair and numerous vultures circling above the nest. ...

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Toa Kyle

A wounded female and possible siblicide

Nov 11, 2006

I’m back in town after checking on nest 20 (the new nest we discovered late October).  The nestling is progressing fine.  It weighed in over 300g at around 17 days of age.  It’s always a relief when a chick gets to this size as it’s highly unlikely med-sized predators such as toucans and...

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Toa Kyle

Another nest, more starving nestlings

Nov 03, 2006

We’ve located our sixth active nest for the season though it comes with a certain melancholy.  This nest was active in 2005 too but failed due to flooding (yet another low quality open crown motacu snag).  That a pair would return to this low quality nest in 2006 is curious but old habits die hard...

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Toa Kyle

A busy October

Oct 21, 2006

Back from a busy three weeks in the field.  October is usually our busiest month in terms of monitoring nests and this year is no exception.  We are currently following the progress of four nests, three of which have chicks and one that is incubating.  I spent my time at 7 islas where amazingly all...

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