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World Parrot Trust - Staff

World Parrot Day 2024, Wild Africa Fund (WAF) event

Parrot Blogger: World Parrot Trust - Staff | Jul 16, 2024

On World Parrot Day May 31, 2024, Wild Africa Fund (WAF), in partnership with the Nigerian Tribune, hosted an impactful X Space event to spotlight the ecological importance of parrots and the significant threats they face. This event brought together leading experts to discuss the critical...

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Charlotte Foxhall

Help Ensure the Kiwa Centre Birds Have Enough Supplies

Parrot Blogger: Charlotte Foxhall | May 26, 2020

Firstly, I hope you are all well during this pandemic. It is amazing to think how quickly life has changed in so many ways since the beginning of the year. We at the World Parrot Trust could never have predicted how this outbreak would affect our projects and impacted on our income streams. With...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

Experts look forward to a brighter future for Cape parrots

Parrot Blogger: Rowan Martin, PhD | Oct 25, 2019

The workshop was developed by the World Parrot Trust in partnership with the Cape Parrot Project, Birdlife South Africa and the Cape Parrot Working Group, which worked together as a coordination committee. Representatives of the IUCN SSC Conservation Planning Specialist Group, Kerryn Morrison and...

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Charlotte Foxhall

Kiwa Centre: A day in the life

Parrot Blogger: Charlotte Foxhall | Dec 06, 2018

It’s a cold dark morning in November 2018. The rolling hills and heathlands of the English countryside stretch out either side of me as I make my way down the track; it is hard to imagine that just over the next hill sits the Kiwa Centre, housing over 140 macaws.

Pulling up to the centre, I open...

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