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Far from home and so much going on there

Sam Williams, PhD | May 24, 2010


I’m just in Vancouver airport having been at The World Parrot Refuge for a conference over the weekend. It was great event and I got the chance to meet some great people who are working with companion parrots and others from around the world. I always like this mix of different perspectives on parrots and of course the many discussions were stimulating.

Ahead of me lies an evening, night and half a day of travel. I’m not looking forward to it but I can’t wait to get back to Bonaire. We’ve got so much going on at the moment and as soon as I get back we will be launching fully into the release project. We’ve also got Danielle Parks a masters student from Imperial college London who is investigating the extent of fruit damage in urban gardens and the community’s views about it. from the same institute we also have Matthew Richards who will be looking further at the environmental conditions inside parrot nests and their consequences on parrot reproductive success. Rhian is of course continuing the parrot nest monitoring and has been working tirelessly making sure everyone is up to speed on the locations of nests, the climbing techniques and the nest inspection protocols. This is a very brief summary of the current stuff we’ve got going on and there’s one person on the team that I haven’t mentioned it’s Jose (who also blogs on He is an incredible and skilled individual who has turned his hands to every aspect of our work on Bonaire. It’s great to have him on board and a lot of fun too. We have a great team! And I’m looking forward to telling you more about it, very soon.