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Brent Barrett

Brent Barrett

Once there was a parrot filled forest

Sep 17, 2010

The lowland kea of Westland National Park have never been previously investigated with the exception of cognitive tests. As usual we may never know the answer to why they choose to live here and how they adapted to forage in the lush temperate rain forests after so long in the harsh mountains. But...

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Brent Barrett

Is it time for the Kea

Aug 29, 2010

There is little sense in looking for whales in the desert, or ghosts in the daytime, so why am I constantly entering the coastal forest looking for an alpine parrot?  Beats me, I guess its like that chicken crossing the road “because its there” and certainly within 200m from my coastal house live...

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Brent Barrett

Parroting around - Mountain to the Sea

Mar 09, 2010

Globally parrots occupy vastly diverse habitats, obviously not in the northern continents but certainly in the southern regions.  In Ushaia there is a parrot that lives amongst the valleys that bisect the southern tip of the Andies.  In the Amazon birds swelter under blazing suns.  Gang-gangs...

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Brent Barrett

Is time running out for Ground Parrots

Dec 23, 2008

There is no doubt that the fire regime empoyed during land clearing and grazing times in Western Australia had a huge impact on the availability of habitat for Western Ground Parrots.  The complex heath that WGP’s occupy is typically devoid of large trees and therefore easy to clear with few...

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