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Rowan Martin, PhD

Rowan Martin, PhD

Focus on Angola: new efforts to tackle parrot trafficking in the Congo basin

Dec 24, 2018

The Mayombe forest sits at the south-western margin of the Congo Basin's tropical rainforests. Stretching from coastal Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), through the Cabinda Province of Angola, along the western zone of the Republic of Congo and up to south-west Gabon, it supports a...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

Ending the illegal trade in African parrots

Oct 12, 2018

Today the 2018 Illegal Wildlife Trade (IWT) Conference draws to a close in London. At the end of a week of meetings between leaders from around the world, academics, NGOs, local communities and many others, two things are clear: illegal trade is a major threat to wildlife and sustainable...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

Good news for Red-fronted parrots

Jul 20, 2018

Big strides were made this week towards addressing the threat of international trade to Africa’s parrots. Concerns over rising exports of Red-fronted Parrots (Poicephalus gulielmi - also known as Jardine's Parrots) were discussed at the Thirtieth meeting of the CITES Animals Committee in Geneva...

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Rowan Martin, PhD

2017 – An important year for African Greys

Dec 23, 2017

At this time of year, it’s always worth taking stock of the year that was, what’s been achieved and where we need to be focusing our efforts for the next. It’s been an incredibly busy year for WPT’s Africa programme with a large focus on protecting Grey and Timneh parrots. Here’s a brief summary of...

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