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Securities and Stocks

stocks and securities

A gift of stock or securities can yield a wealth of benefits for you and for the parrots.

When you give appreciated securities to the World Parrot Trust, you may receive an immediate tax benefit while diversifying your portfolio and/or securing a stream of income. Your gift of stock or mutual funds can also be used to fund a charitable gift annuity.

How it works

1. Transfer your securities to the World Parrot Trust
2. The World Parrot Trust sells the securities and uses the proceeds to fund its programs

If you live in the United States on Canada, (or meet specific criteria within the United Kingdom) when giving appreciated securities, you could receive a tax break. Whether it's shares of blue-chip stock or a fast growing tech company, the government may allow you to deduct these gifts as charitable donations. You may also avoid capital gains tax on the transfer.

This double benefit means that you can create a larger donation by using appreciated securities rather than cash to make your gift.


  • You can direct your gift to a specific fund or purpose.
  • You can receive an immediate income tax deduction for the fair market value of the securities on the date of transfer, and get gift credit.
  • You pay no capital gains tax on the securities you donate.
  • You gain the satisfaction of making a gift now to the World Parrot Trust or funding a life-income gift that benefits it later.

We welcome gifts of publicly traded stocks, bonds, and mutual fund shares. Some donors own stock in closely held corporations. Learn about using business assets to make a gift. The securities you use to make your gift must have been held by you for more than one year (within USA/CAN), or four years (within UK) to be fully deductible.

You can protect parrots by bequeathing a planned gift with the World Parrot Trust.

Please contact us today, to learn more.