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Lee McGuire
Lee McGuire partnered with parrots in an ongoing quest to effectively understand and communicate with them for more than 30 years. Initially her interest in behaviour modification stemmed from the arrival of a biting, screaming Mitred Conure with stereotypic repetitive behaviours. That event led to an ongoing search for behaviour modification strategies that she felt comfortable employing, and to the discovery of applied behaviour analysis (ABA). ABA strategies and techniques were not only species respectful, but also humane; they could be used to modify existing behaviours and could enrich the lives of parrots. Philosophically, she had found a soulmate.
Lee had a special interest in good ‘psittizenship’ behaviours in the home and in the husbandry and medical applications of ABA—especially in shaping physiotherapy-related behaviours. Since 2004, Lee had the good fortune to be able to act as teaching partner to Susan Friedman, PhD, three times per year for her online course, Living and Learning with Parrots (http://www.behaviorworks.org/).
WPT note: Lee passed away in 2020. We will be forever grateful for her friendship.
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