Browse by: Phoebe Green Linden

Deciding whether a parrot needs a same-species companion
Phoebe Green Linden
Hello. I live in Cyprus and I have 10 non handfed rescue parrots in an outside aviary right next to our terrace of different species each with a mate of its own variety. I also have a hand fed 1...
Grey won’t eat after beak trim
Phoebe Green Linden
I have a Timneh African Grey who is almost 9 years old. I got him at 3 months and weaned him and he has always been a sweet, non-aggressive animal.
After any stressful experience, for example, the...
Interacting with breeding companion birds
Phoebe Green Linden
Is it unreasonable to try to breed "pet" parrots or tame and interact with a breeding pair. I have pairs of macaws, cockatoos, conures and caiques. I would like to have nice friendly birds that...
Concerns about emotional health of parrot while vacationing
Phoebe Green Linden
Hello Phoebe,
Three years ago my wife and I adopted a 13 yr old yellow-headed amazon. The bird was originally wild-caught. His first owner had died, and his children sold his two (bonded) parrots...
Adding a new parrot to the flock
Phoebe Green Linden
We have two parrots in our living room: a female Congo African Grey born on 24.11.09 and a female Meyers parrot born on 24.03.10. As they do not like each other, they live in separate cages. For...
Avoiding behavioral problems in Cockatoos
Phoebe Green Linden
Dear Phoebe, When raising young cockatoos, what are the best ways to avoid behavioral problems when cockatoos become adults? Thanks,
Nic Miller