Sick Regent Parrot

My Question: My regent parrot is sleeping a lot and has his feathers puffed up, also not eating well. I took him to the vet and he examined him, thought he was a bit over-weight and maybe had caught a bug. He gave him some antibiotic by syringe and put some in a bottle, telling me to add it to my parrots favourite food for 7 days. I`ve tried putting it on fruit for him (as it is bitter) but he refuses to eat it. As I keep trying to get him to take it he has become aggressive and is biting me. He was very tame and didn`t bite before, it seems like his personality has suddenly changed. He had been chewing a lot at a new toy with pieces of leather attached to it also I noticed little holes in the plastic that he had broken pieces off. I`ve taken this toy away now and am wondering could this have made him sick.
Would you have any ideas what could be wrong please?

Elizabeth - the best suggestion I can give you is to return to your veterinarian and ask for more than a diagnosis of being a “bit overweight and maybe caught a bug”. There should be more to this puzzle than that. If there is obesity, a specific plan for dietary modification and enrichment of physical exercise can be instituted, and a careful monitoring of body fat stores and body weight can be set up between you and your veterinarian to guide your bird through this plan’s effect and outcome. If there is suspicioin of underlying infectious disease, a more clear pursuit of diagnosis can lead to a clearer course of treatment, and ideally, a better prognosis. If there are problems with the administration of treatment, resulting in increased fear and learned aggression, the behavioral aspects of your treatment plan need to be re-assessed in order to minimize stress, minimize unwanted learned behaviors and optomize your odds of true success.